Robert’s 'GARUDA' Flew to success!!!
Robert Jesuraj of SIMPLE
Groups, won the first prize in GARUDA Challenge 2012 . The competition was conducted by CDAC for GRID enthusiasts. The winner received certificate, memento and a
cash award of Rs. 50000/-.
The GARUDA challenge aimed to
provide an opportunity for researchers, engineers and analysts to showcase
compute-data intensive scalable applications that solve real-world, complex
problems. The participants
included students, researchers and industrialists from all over the India. They submitted several big-data problems and
showed how that can be solved with grid technology.
GRID for NLP...
Robert, as a Computational Linguistic student, utilized the chance to formulate a frame work for
creation of corpus. His program uses parallel computing techniques to create a
corpus from web data for linguistic works.
Talking Parallel Computing…
The GARUDA Challenge results were announced as part of
Parcomptech India 2013, a two-day national conference on parallel computing,
held at National Institute of Advanced studies, IISc, Bangalore. Organized by the CDAC, the conference had
scholars and scientists from High performance Computing Society.
Congratulations… the young Innovator….
The staff and students of Govt. Engineering College,Sreekrishnapuram congratulated Robert for his achievement. The achievement brought a new notice to
the College and SIMPLE groups among the research community. He thanked the
staff, students and C-DAC officials for the support they offered for the successful
completion of the project.