
Thursday, 18 December 2014

Placement in Experion Technologies

Abitha Anto of M. Tech Computational Linguistics, 2012-14 batch got placement for the post of Trainee Software Engineer at Experion Technologies, Technopark, Trivandrum.
Experion Technologies is a software products and services company with its headquarters in Technopark, Kerala, India. The company focusses on Mobile Solutions, Engineering Services and Technology Services. Apart from its global delivery center in India, Experion has offices in Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and United States.
SIMPLE Groups congratulate Abitha on her achievement.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Placement in IBM

Four students of M. Tech Computational Linguistics, 2013-15 batch named Kavitha Raju, Rekha Raj C T, Sreerakha T V and Vidya P V got placement for the post of Associate System Engineer at IBM in the campus drive held at Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Cochin during 11-14 of December.
The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation, with headquarters in Armonk, New York, United States. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

SIMPLE Groups congratulate all the four on their achievement.

Monday, 15 December 2014


The following papers from M.Tech Computational Linguistics have been accepted for the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES) to be held during 19-21 Feb 2015 at National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC).
  • " TnT Tagger with Fuzzy Rule Based Learning" by Alen Jacob, Amal Babu, P.C. Reghu Raj
  • " Tamil to Malayalam Transliteration" by Kavitha Raju, Sreerekha T. V., Vidya P. V., Rajeev R. R., P.C. Reghu Raj
  • " Fuzzy Logic Based Hybrid Approach for Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis of Malayalam Movie Reviews" by Anagha M, Raveena R Kumar, Sreetha K, P.C. Reghu Raj

SIMPLE Groups congratulate the authors for their achievement!

Monday, 17 November 2014

iDravidian' 2014

The following papers from M.Tech Computational Linguistics have been accepted for the iDravidian' 2014 Symposium to be held on 17th December,2014 at Goa University, co-located with ICON 2014.
  • "Dialect Resolution: A Hybrid Approach" by Sarath K S, Manu.V.Nair, Rajeev R R, P.C. Reghu Raj
  • "Lexical Resource Based Hybrid Approach for Cross Domain Sentiment Analysis in Malayalam" by Anagha M, Sreetha K, Raveena R Kumar, Rajeev R R, P.C. Reghu Raj
  • "TnT Tagger for Malayalam with Fuzzy Rule Based Learning" by Amal Babu, Alen Jacob, Rajeev R R, P.C. Reghu Raj

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Internship at EY GSS, Thiruvananthapuram

Six students of Mtech Computational Linguistics, 2013-15 batch named Amal Babu, Kavitha Raju, Manu.V.Nair, Anagha M, Sarath K S, Sreetha K are doing 6 months internship at EY Global Shared Service & Innovation Centre situated in Kinfra film & video park, Thiruvananthapuram.

Ernst & Young(Known as EY) is a multinational professional services firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It was the third largest professional services firm in the world by aggregated revenue in 2012 and is one of the “Big Four” audit firms. It provides assurance, tax, consulting and advisory services to companies.

Friday, 26 September 2014

CLEAR Journal September 2014 Edition Published

The ninth issue of CLEAR Journal published on September 26, 2014.  This issue contain a special article on Translation tool from Wikipedia by Santhosh Thottingal, Senior Software Engineer, Language Engineering team, Wikipedia Foundation. The other articles discusses on Speech Processing.  The next issue will be on December 2014.

Read more

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Talk by Prof. Kalyana Krishnan R

Professor R Kalyana Krishnan, one among the most reputed Professors of IIT Madras visited our college on 16th of September 2014. Prof. Kalyana Krishnan was retired from IIT Madras in March 2011 after a long service lasting nearly four decades. He visited our college and delivered expert talks on various engineering fields for both postgraduate and undergraduate students.

Interaction with PG students began by afternoon as per the schedule. Both the first and second year Computational Linguistics batch students attended the class. The talk was centered around text processing and various issues associated with it. After providing a short introduction on the mathematical basis provided to text processing, the discussion advanced to the much anticipated Multilingual text processing.

The question "Which is the most frequent alphabet in Malayalam text?" made us realize that we know only a little about our own mother tongue. Prof. Kalyana Krishnan also found time to compare English with Malayalam. English has only 26 alphabets compared to Malayalam, where a careful study would reveal that the actual numbers, also counting koottaksharam, are way beyond what we have imagined. This fact might bias us towards English as it is easy to learn comparatively, but this easiness comes with a cost. For all those who are familiar with language processing in English would easily find that there exist a long list of homophones that makes text to speech a tedious task in English. Prof. Kalyana Krishnan emphasized the point that no two person would pronounce the same text differently in Malayalam. That is, there exists no homophones in Malayalam, a quality that we should all be proud of. This is not incidental but rather by the design of Malayalam "Aksharas". Its meaning (not moving, stationary, non ambiguous) itself explains this fact.

Later the talk proceeded with issues regarding the character encodings in Malayalam, mostly the ones associated with Koottaksharams. Then the Professor made us realize the beauty of Malayalam and asked us to envy the expertise with which the Indian literatures were written. The beauty of Indian literature further drove the discussions towards the Rama Krishna Viloma Kavyam, a sloka build of palindromes, containing as long as 64 slokas, that depicts the chronicles of Lord Krishna when read in one direction and that of Rama when read in the opposite direction. The excellence of the epic Mahabharatha was the other interesting literary work that came into our discussion. The ancient literature in India was magnificent in many aspects like conveying more ideas in the forms of short slokas. The knowledge that every 1000th sloka in Mahabharatha had dual meanings and the reason behind it, was absolutely new to us.

The Professor, before concluding our short session, asked the students to sent a mail to his personal mail id that describes what each of us perceived from his class. This is a practice which he had always asked from his students, to make them improve the way they express themselves. Professor did also found himself time to reply and suggest some further readings to all those who mailed him their experience and what they understood from the talk.

Opportunities like this where we could share our thoughts and ideas with experts like Prof. Kalyana Krishnan comes rarely in a lifetime. We, the students of M.Tech CL is hence sincerely thankful to our department and our Head of the department for providing us such an opportunity.

Thursday, 7 August 2014


Yet another milestone was conquered by simple groups when the students of second batch (2012-14) of Computational Linguistics successfully completed their M.Tech course. It was an academically eventful period they spent at the institution. Research projects were taken up and several publications resulted from them. Workshops, expert talks etc., were organized by them. They also attended similar programs at various other institutions that brought about the sharing of knowledge. Their examination results were spectacular. Besides academics they also have a story of radiant life at the institution - a  story of friendship sprinkled with love, helping and taking care of each other.

A farewell party was organized by the junior batch (2013-15) for their outgoing seniors. The forenoon session of the function was a get-together of staff, faculty and students. First, Dr. P. C. Reghu Raj  shared his memories and experiences with the batch, gave a final word of advice for them and wished all of them all the successes in their future endeavors. Then the other staffs also recalled the times with them and gifted them with well wishes and enlightenments. The students also shared their memories in the college, and gave their feedback on the course and the institution. They had suggestions on how to further improve the system here and they also gave valuable directions to their junior batch regarding various aspects of the course and project works.

The forenoon function was concluded and a lush lunch was served. Then the students of both batches gathered for some games and other fun activities. The party was hilarious and filled with excitement. Towards the end, when everyone recollected their past days and took a trip down the memory lane it turned nostalgic and heart-warming. Thus the second batch of Computational Linguistics bid good bye to the college with a bunch of treasured memories and colourful achievements, with a promise to stay connected.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

CLEAR Sept 2014


Student's Innovations in Morphology, Phonology and 
Language Engineering (SIMPLE)-Groups
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Govt. Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram
Palakkad, 678633

                  Inviting Article for CLEAR Sept 2014

We are inviting thought-provoking articles, interesting dialogues and healthy debates on multifaceted aspects of Computational Linguistics, for the forthcoming issue of CLEAR (Computational Linguistics in Engineering And Research) magazine, publishing on September 2014. The suggested area of discussion is Speech Processing.

The articles may be sent to the Editor on or before 10th September, 2014 through the email

CLEAR Magazine

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Attended International Workshop on ML and DA at Thapar University

Alen Jacob of M. Tech Computational Linguistics attended an International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics sponsored by ACM and technically sponsored by IEEE at Thapar University, Patiala from 3rd to 13th June 2014. It was a two-week summer school to promote the discovery and dissemination of high quality education and research in Machine Learning Algorithms and Data Analytics. The sessions were handled by academicians and industrialists. The workshop was intended to professionals, teachers, research scholars and software engineers.
Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms was done using the MATLAB and Octave. Various Machine Learning techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) was implemented. The hot topic in Machine Learning – Deep Learning – was introduced.

The practical sessions were more focussed into Data Analytics. The terms such as Big Data, Social Network Analysis were explained. These were done in R language, Hadoop and Gephi.
This workshop helped to gain in-depth knowledge about current trends and research areas in the fields of Machine Learning and Data Analytics.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Attended 5th IASNLP Workshop at IIIT-H

Sreejith C and Indu M of M.Tech Computational Linguistics attended 5th IASNLP workshop at IIIT-H from 1st to 15th July 2014. It was a two week school on Natural Language Processing with lectures and project guidance by internationally renowned researchers in the area . This gave a good chance to meet a lot of researchers, academicians and industrialists in NLP, and introduce the course to them.

Friday, 20 June 2014

CLEAR June 2014 Edition Published

The eight issue of CLEAR published on June 20, 2014.  This issue contain an article on  Language Computing – A new Computing Arena by Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Professor, IIITM-Kerala. The other articles discusses on Topic modelling,   Dialect Resolution, Machine Translation, Transliteration, Part of Speech tagger and  Data Completion using Cogent Confabulation. We also included the abstracts of 2014 batch projects in this issue. The next issue will be on September 2014.

Read here

Monday, 26 May 2014

Industrial Training at IIITM-K

Virtual Resource Centre for Language Computing(VRC-LC) department of Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management -Kerala(IIITM-K) had organized a short course and industrial training on Natural Language Processing exclusively for the M.Tech students of GEC, Sreekrishnapuram.

The course was focused on recent trends in Computational Linguistics and Machine Learning related to Malayalam Computing. It was 15 days programme (from 5th May - 20th May). During the course various reserch scholars and eminent faculties of VRCLC delivered their sessions on various aspects of Language Processing. The discussion of various works on Malayalam computing preceedings in their centre gave clear idea on the working and challenges involved in Malayalam Computing for the participants.

Various sessions include Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Programming with Python, Trilingual Dictionary, Tokenization, Localization in eGovernance, Language structure and Morphology, Morph Analyzer, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, UNL, Deep Learning, Transfer Grammer in Machine Translation, Speech to Text.

On the last day The Director of IIITM-K Prof.Rajasree M.S delivered a motivational speech. The head of VRC-LC Dr. Elizabeth Sherly addressed the participants and distributed certificates to them. It was followed by project presentation by participants. The case study gave a chance to propose solutions for unresolved  problems in Malayalam Computing.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Publication in IJERT

The paper entitled " Text Based Language Identification System for Indian Languages Following Devanagiri Script ", authored by  Indhuja k, Indu M, Sreejith C, Dr. Reghu Raj P C is published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume. 3 , Issue. 04 , April - 2014,  ISSN: 2278-0181

SIMPLE Groups, congratulate the authors for their achievement. 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Publication in IJSRCSAMS

The paper entitled " Box Item Generation from News Articles Based Paragraph Ranking using Vector Space Model ", authored by Sreejith C, Sruthimol M P, Dr. P. C.  Reghu Raj is published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies, Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014

Paper Details :

Box Item Generation from News Articles Based Paragraph Ranking using Vector Space Model, Sreejith C, Sruthimol M P, P C Reghuraj, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014, ISSN 2319 – 1953

SIMPLE Groups, congratulate the authors for their achievement. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Publication in IJCLNLP

The following papers are published in April 2014 issue of International Journal of Computational Linguistics and NLP (IJCLNLP).

1. Divya S, Reghu Raj P C, " Eigenvector Based Approach for Sentence Ranking in News Summarization". Read

2. Pragisha K, Reghu Raj P C, " A Natural Language Question Answering System in Malayalam Using Domain Dependent Document Collection as Repository ". Read

SIMPLE Groups congratulates Pragisha and Divya S for their achievement.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

CLEAR June 2014

Student's Innovations in Morphology, Phonology and 
Language Engineering (SIMPLE)-Groups
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Govt. Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram
Palakkad, 678633

Inviting Article for CLEAR June 2014

We are inviting thought-provoking articles, interesting dialogues and healthy debates on multifaceted aspects of Computational Linguistics, for the forthcoming issue of CLEAR ( Computational Linguistics in Engineering And Research) magazine, publishing on June 2014. The topics of the articles would preferably be related to the areas of Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval.

Call for Papers

Machine Translation
Web Information Extraction/Mining
Speech Recognition/Understanding
Information Retrieval and Extraction
Speech Analysis/Synthesis
Quantitative Linguistics
Computational Models
Language Learning
Computational Linguistics
Linguistics Modelling Techniques
Computational Theories
Multilingual/Cross-lingual Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
Corpus Linguistics
Spoken Dialog Systems
Software Engineering for NLP
Formal Linguistics-Theoretic and Grammar Induction
Language and Social Networks
Computational Semantics
Applying NLP on Domain Specific Data
Automatic Text Summarization
Lexical Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Human-Computer Dialogue Systems
Models of Cognitive Processes
Discourse and Anaphora
Ques/Ans and Dialogue Systems
Morph Analyzer
Textual Entailment
Multimodal Representations and Processing
Natural Language Interface for Database
Deep Learning in NLP

The articles may be sent to the Editor on or before  May 31 2014 through the email

CLEAR Magazine

Monday, 24 March 2014

CLEAR March 2014 Edition Published

The seventh issue of CLEAR was published on March 24, 2013.  This edition of CLEAR comes with a tagline "Special Edition on Indian Language Computing " and focuses on various issues and challenges related to Indian Language Computing. The next issue will be on June 2014.

Read here

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Paper shortlisted for TDIL-DC Portal

Paper entitled "Design of Scalable Natural Language Report Management System" , authored by Manu Madhavan, Robert Jesuraj and Reghuraj P C, presented in ICON 2014, has been shortlisted  for upload on TDIL-DC portal.

TDIL Data Center ( is an initiative of Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India for creating a national repository of Indian language tools, technologies, research papers and many more. 

SIMPLE Groups congratulates the authors for their achievement.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

CLEAR March 2014

Student's Innovations in Morphology, Phonology and 
Language Engineering (SIMPLE)-Groups
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Govt. Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram
Palakkad, 678633

Inviting Article for CLEAR March 2014

We are inviting thought-provoking articles, interesting dialogues and healthy debates on multifaceted aspects of Computational Linguistics, for the forthcoming issue of CLEAR ( Computational Linguistics in Engineering And Research) magazine, publishing on March 2014. The topics of the articles would preferably be related to the areas of Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval.

Call for Papers

Machine Translation
Web Information Extraction/Mining
Speech Recognition/Understanding
Information Retrieval and Extraction
Speech Analysis/Synthesis
Quantitative Linguistics
Computational Models
Language Learning
Computational Linguistics
Linguistics Modelling Techniques
Computational Theories
Multilingual/Cross-lingual Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
Corpus Linguistics
Spoken Dialog Systems
Software Engineering for NLP
Formal Linguistics-Theoretic and Grammar Induction
Language and Social Networks
Computational Semantics
Applying NLP on Domain Specific Data
Automatic Text Summarization
Lexical Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Human-Computer Dialogue Systems
Models of Cognitive Processes
Discourse and Anaphora
Ques/Ans and Dialogue Systems
Morph Analyzer
Textual Entailment
Multimodal Representations and Processing
Natural Language Interface for Database
Deep Learning in NLP

The articles may be sent to the Editor on or before 5th March, 2014 through the email

CLEAR Magazine

Friday, 7 February 2014

Paper got published in IEEE Explore.

The paper entitled "N-gram based algorithm for distinguishing between Hindi and Sanskrit texts", co-authored by Indu, Sreejith and Dr. Reghu Raj, presented in Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),2013 Fourth International Conference, got published in IEEE explore.

The paper can be browsed by the link:  ieeexplore

Congratulations to  the authors !!!


The following papers are accepted and presented in the fourth National Technological Congress, Kerala (NATCON) 2014  organized at Govt. Engg college, Wayanad. The National Technological Congress, Kerala (NATCON) was initiated by  Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD), Government of Kerala, with an objective to improve the research activities in engineering colleges.

The paper entitled "Text classification for efficient news filtering using support vector machines ", authored by Mr. Nibeesh, Mr. Sreejith C and Dr. Reghu Raj P. C, has been accepted for oral presentation in Natcon 2014

Another paper "Chodyothari : Question Answering System For Malayalam " by Mr. Sreejith,  Mr. Nibeesh and Dr. Reghu Raj P. C  has been accepted for poster presentation in Natcon 2014.

Both the papers are available in the conference proceedings.

SIMPLE Groups consider this as an prideful and inspirational moment. We congratulates the authors for their notable achievements and wish them a very best.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Workshop on Softcomputing

The three day workshop on Soft computing, was held at GEC Sreekrishnapuram from 9-11 th January 2014. It was organized by IIST Trivandrum. Eminent personalities from IIST, IIT Delhi and M.S.U Baroda gave sessions on topics Genetic algorithms, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic and Data-mining.

The workshop was inaugurated by  Dr.P.C.Reghu Raj, Principal of GEC Sreekrishnapuram.  First session was based on Fuzzy logic by Dr.Deepak Mishra, IIST Trivandrum and is followed by another wonderful session on Google Page Ranking algorithm by Dr.Sumitra.S.Nair, IIST Trvandrum. First day of workshop came to an end with a session on Artificial Neural Networks by Prof.Raju.K.George ,IIST Trivandrum followed by a lab session.

On Second day there was a great session on Genetic algorithms by Prof.V.D Pathak, M.S.U Baroda. And then there was a session on ‘Theory of Kernal Methods’ by Dr.Sumitra.S.Nair ,IIST Trivandrum. Second day ended with a lab session on ANNs.

Third day session mainly focused on Data Mining and It’s applications. The session was by Prof.B.Chandra ,IIT  Delhi.It was an interesting session.

The three day workshop came to an end with the distribution of certificates to all the participants by Prof.B.Chandra  and Prof.V.D Pathak.

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